Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jacob's "official" 1st (should be 2nd!) day of School

Wow what am I going to do with my time! Jacob left for school at 9am this morning and doesn't get home till 3:45. I still have 2 hours till he's home... Madison is taking a nap and Ryan is in trouble in his room (he flooded the bathroom when taking a bath; he turned on the shower and water was everywhere.... ) BOYS!!

Anyways yesterday we spent the latter part of the day at the dentist. The dentist said the swelling was so bad that they couldn't do anything until we got him on antibiotics. He was still confused as to what was causing the swelling. He says he wasn't even sure his tooth abscessed or not. We will be going in Wednesday for another check up to see what is going on.

So for now he is on Penicillin and lots of Tylenol for the pain. I am scared to have him on these antibiotics because he is allergic to Amoxicillan but it was they wanted to give him so I hope he is okay.

Today when we showed up at the school they had cops outside. I guess a 5-year old little boy never made it to class. I have to ask why was a 5-year old walking to school alone on the 2nd day of school! I still am so scared for that little boy and the family. I really hope they locate him. It makes it easier to explain to my son why I don't let him walk to school by himself. This will be the 3rd kid in our area missing in the last 3 months... and we live in a small town... I just don't get it!

So anyways here are some pics of the kids walking Jacob to school. They all have their own little backpacks that they have to wear when going to school. It is so adorable!

They are so cute and so sweet... when they want to be!
Madison going down the slide at the school
Little Ryan
Here we are just leaving the house.
Ryan and I also started his preschool today and he just loves it... one day down... lots more to go!


Dea said...

Aw, I hope they are able to fix whatever is going on with Jacobs mouth! Poor guy. I hope they both have a great year in school! Were they able to find that little boy? That is so scary I cant imagine what the parents must be going through!

And yes, she is very tan and she constantly reminds me of how much tanner than I she is! But I am pretty tan now to so we will see, lol. And please dont hate me! My tan fades eventually lol. And those are certainly things I look forward to happening with me and my friends but Jodis already way ahead on that one! Which is kinda sad that I missed those things but good cause she will be able to help me out and I'm here now and we still got plenty ahead of us!

Taylor said...

Glad to hear they have in on antibioatics now. I hope he is feeling a bit better. That's great that Ryan loved his "first day" too, that's half the battle.

I can't wait to see a back to school pic for I Heart Faces next week. I'll be sitting that week out LOL.

Anonymous said...

Poor little Jacob. He is such a strong little guy that is for sure. Hopefully they find out what the problem is soon. Mouth pain is never ever fun.

That is so cute that you all walk to school and everyone has on their back packs. I hope to have a family some day and do the same thing!

We need to do date night soon!



Unknown said...

I love these pictures. I am with you, why in the world would a 5 year old be walking to school alone? They do that in Philly too. It makes me SO irritated with the parents!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

OMG, the third child missing in 3 months? I got goosebumps when I read that. I sincerely hope the 5 year old is found. And I'd never let my kids out of my sight. lol!

It looks like all went well with school, they are all so cute. Hope they can figure out Jacobs tooth too, poor guy must be miserable.

welcometomyfrontporch said...

Just letting you know, your Facebook has been hacked. "You" keep putting spam on my page.

Taylor said...


You haven't been on in a while and I was just checking in. I hope you are just busy and everything is great.

blogging buddies