Monday, October 26, 2009

Up and running

No not me.... my computer! I wish I could run... but my belly would knock me over!

Still pregnant... feel fat.... ready to get back into my size 3 jeans... that will probably never fit again... We'll see!

Anyways this is short and sweet... My lovely children play those free online games and downloaded a nice virus that killed my 7 year old dell desktop... I mean erased my network card, corrupted the hard drive and deleted a lot of software and corrupted many files! It was so much fun to hire someone to spend hours and hours reconfigurating my corrupted data so that we could transfer it to a new computer!

So my new computer finally arrived today. It is wonderful... perfect.... it is the best day of my life! I cannot imagine life without a computer... I never want to go through another week without internet... EVER!!


Taylor said...

LOL! So glad you got your ne computer. That sucks about the virus. I really wish people would find something better to do than create all of these viruses and such.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Glad to hear you could recover stuff. what in the world did we do before computers. lol!!

Unknown said...

Something is wrong with my computer too. Comcast came out and told me to use Mozilla Firefox to get online so I will never get a virus again... Life without a computer is WAY too hard!

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