I am surprised that healthy food can actually taste so good. I have gotten to accustomed to it that now when I have junk food it makes my stomache sick! Last night I veggied in my bed with a Hershey Bar (King sized by the way) and a movie Time Travelers Wife (not the greatest movie... so dissapointed) but anyways is it just me or are Hershey Bars nasty now! Did they change their chocolate like M&M's did? Have you tried M&M's lately? I do not eat them anymore... they are gross!! But I totally would have rather had a carrot over a Hershey Bar!
So the first week I lost 5 lbs... week two (none) and week 3 one pound.... So I am slowly chippin away at these last pounds! Only 10 more to go and I will be so ready for summer! Here are some recipes I have tried lately. Have you heard of
http://www.allrecipes.com/. LOVE IT! Type in the ingredient you want to use and it pulls up recipes... you can download shopping lists and create a recipe box! Yes it is my new best friend!
This is called an Israelian Salad
6 Cucumbers, 4 Roma Tomatoes, 1 Red pepper, Cup of parsley, 1/3 cup mint, I threw in somes sweet peppers and some feta cheese, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and sea salt and pepper. Put this in a pita or a flour tortilla.
I liked this... my husband didn't... the first thing he said was "Where's the meat?" So tonight since we have some leftover we care going to throw in some pasta and some chicken.
Chicken and Carrot Salad
so I thought this sounded weird at first but it actually tasted pretty good. Carrots, raisins and walnut salad with olive oil and garlic... chicken had onions on top
9 Layer Dip for the Super Bowl
So good! Not healthy at all! Here is a step by step on the layers.
1) Refried Beans
2) 2 Cups Cheese
3) 1 lb Cooked Beef
4) Sour Cream
5) Guacamole
6) 2 More cups Cheese
7) Tomatoes
8) Olives
9) Green Onion
And we had tons left over so during the week we put this in a burrito! Tasted good pretty darn good! Made me want to go running after!
Baked Chicken and Steamed Asparagus
My husband pointed out that I didn't remove the neck! Hey I am new at this whole eating healthy thing so I didn't know!
Steamed Chicken, Steamed Yams and homemade creamed corn
My husband asked during this meal "Are you pregnant or something because you put feta in the corn." I told him no (cause don't worry I am not!) but i thought it sounded good! And guess what... it did! Feta makes everything taste better! BETTER THEN CHEDDER... that's my new sayin!
Homemade cream corn is so easy 1 Cup Chopped Frozen Corn (I used my handy dandy Pampered Chef Chopper) to 1 Cup frozen Corn... add some honey and seasoning (maybe some feta cheese) and there you go. SOOOOOO much better then canned cream corn!
My mother and my sister came over to enjoy this meal with me since my husband worked late and it was pretty good... in fact my mom liked it so much that I had to hide josh's plate of food otherwise she just may have eaten it all! Very easy too... I added worcheshire sauce and vegetable juice to baste it with and it was delicious!