Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Check out my muscles!

Madison is ADORABLE! Check out her muscles! I swear they are real!:D She tries to fight the boys with them... unfortunately she doesn't win. We are all doing well. The kids are on spring break. The boys and I are on the way to the store to buy Jacob and Ryan a yo-yo. They have been begging for one. Jacob wants to start a yo-yo collection like the yo-yo man! He is so funny. The other day he asked me if he could grow his hair long and get a tattoo! He is five years old and asking for a tattoo! I can't believe him! Where does he get this stuff from.... Boys!

Here is Madison begging me to hold the camera.... ummm... let's see a $500 camera and a 1 year old..... Let's think about that! So after I told her no... this was her reaction... PRICELESS!

The kids and I walked up to Chief Joseph the other day to play outside. Ron and his kids joined us. This is Kaitlyn. Isn't she a little cutie!

Here is Matty Bo Bratty climbing up and down the slides!

I don't know what I was doing with my fingers... but it looks like I am doing something naughty... I'm not!

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