Monday, May 18, 2009

Okay here is my "Shark" review

My first impression wasn't a good one on the mop. For a mop that costs $100.00 the quality of the product isn't any better then my $20.00 swiffer. So a little dissapointed on the quality. The handle felt flimsy and cheap and so did everything else on the mop. For a hundred dollar mop shouldn't I get a gold handle? LOL!

The first time I used the product it took so much more effort to mop my floors. It almost didn't seem worth it because you have to wait for the shark to heat up before use and then try and mop around an awkward cord that seemed to always get in the way. It took me 3 times as long to mop my floors with the product and so that was a little dissapointing. But AFTER I was finished and I stepped back and looked at the end result... my disspointments seemed to change. It is worth it to me to have a product do a better job and take longer then to just sweep over the dirt but still have it there.

I think it took longer and more effort because it was actually working and not just gliding over the surface! But I think now that my floors are clean I will only have to pull out the shark occasionally because I don't need to deep clean every time I mop my floors.

I have white vinyl flooring that used to look off white with speckles of brown... Now I have bleach white flooring that is sparkling clean. I was hoping the shark would replace my old mop... but it won't. The shark seems best for deep cleaning... I mop frequently and so using the shark on a regular basis wouldn't make sense. But using it once a month to get dirt out of my floor does. I will use my swiffer for everyday cleaning and quick cleaning bu the Shark for deep cleaning.

Here is my list of pros and cons


- No chemicals or expensive mopping pads

- actually gets my floors clean!

- mopping pads are reuseable and washable

- no batteries to mess with like the swiffer!
- Floors are dry immediately! Which means no footprints from your children left behind after you mop or heads that hit the floor because they slip!


- Doesn't clean my grout on my tile in front of the door (But cleans the tile nicely)

- Takes a lot more effort to clean

- the cord... so annoying

- have to wait before use for the water to heat up

- doesn't hold much water in the tank

- expensive and not quality made

- NO SWIVELL ABILITY! That is the worst!

Would I recommend buying this? Well if money isn't an issue then yes because it does clean my floors. But a good ol fashioned hand scrubbing can do the same thing. It ill probably do best on hardwood floors and pergo because of the smooth finish and it would be easy to glide over the surface. If you ever look at their advertisements they are always being used over wood flooring (Not handscraped or texturted flooring). I don't have wood flooring so I don't know how it would work.

There is an additional attachment where it can supposedly clean carpets... I will not buy it because if it can't get the grout clean on my tile... how will it get into the carpet? So that is my review. Would I buy again? Absolutely because who can put a price on clean non toxic floors!


Dea said...

Thank you for helping me decide! I think i am going to stick with my original choice.... and i love the one you picked!

welcometomyfrontporch said...

I don't think you have been getting my emails so I will answer your question this way since you don't have a Facebook. **COUGH**

I learned how to sew from my mom. We didn't have much money (being on a pastor's salary) so she made a lot of our clothes. She taught me in her own time and then taught my home ec class in school. I wasn't interested again until I was pregnant with William and wanted to make his bedding. Nothing I liked in the stores. So, Wyatt bought me my first sewing machine after we moved here for my birthday and I have been sewing ever since. Teaching myself more as I go. They do have classes at JoAnns and online. You can also get a book to teach you. I wish you well! It is fun once you've completed a project. Keep me posted on what you do!

Taylor said...

Thanks for the review. Most of my floors are hardwood so I think that sounds right up my allley. My floors are a dark brown colour so they show up every crumb! I never put my central vac away so I am really used to dragging an annoying cord all around. Now all I need to do is talk hubby into getting one, lol!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

HUMMM....I was wondering about that little sucker. Thanks for the info.

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