This morning he woke up with a swollen cheek and crying out in pain. We thought it was a canker sore but there was no sign of one. Thank God my little sister works in a dental office and she thinks he has an abscessed tooth. He got a cavity in it a few months ago and we had it filled but she thinks it turned into an abscess. No dental office is open on Sunday's so I will try and schedule tomorrow... but he keeps telling me that it doesn't hurt anymore and he wants to go to school. So unfortunatley for Jacob he may miss his first day of school. I just don't want to take ANY chances with his teeth. I have learned the longer you wait on dental the more it costs AND THE MORE IT HURTS!!!
He was soooo annoyed at me for making him take this picture. He has been in so much pain and you can just see it in his face. Poor kid... I hate when they are in pain and you can't do much for them. You can see the swelling on his cheek.... :(

awww your poor lil guy! I hope he gets to feeling better soon! He still looks so adorable, fat cheek and all!
I am glad he handles it so well! I laughed out loud when you said you just want to be left alone when you are sick : ) That surely doesn't work out too well for you, does it : )
Poor guy! I had an absessed tooth before and it was awful! I just didn't know what to do with myself and I do recall that the pain would come and go. I spent over a $1000 dollars getting a root canal and in the end it got infected 3 more times before I said enough and paid another $300 to have it pulled LOL! I really hope he is feeling better with some meds from the dentist.
Poor little guy! I hope he feels better soon and the fix was a simple one.
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