Thanks for all those who helped with advice on shooting fireworks.
Here are some quick tips on shooting fireworks for tomorrow that I learned from others and online. I researched these settings based off of my Nikon so your settings may be a little different.
Getting your camera ready
*50 mm or wider
* Use your Highest Quality Setting (Shoot in Raw if possible)
* Use a tripod (This is a must!)
* Use your self timer or a remote cable
* Don't use your flash
Setting your camera settings
* Set focus to infinity
* Use an aperature of F5.6 to F18
* Shoot in Manual or Shutter Priority Mode
* Use on ISO of 100 if possible
* Exposure should be 1/2 to 4 seconds
Be creative... use subfects in front of your fireworks for an interesting perspective. Set up camera ahead of time. Avoid sitting near lamp posts or walkways so people don't get in the way of your photo. Good luck and I can't wait to see everyone's fireoworks pictures! This wil be a first for me! Can't wait!
awsome! Thanks for the extra information. I am not sure if I have all the settings your Nikon has, but I will definately have to experiment and see what I can come up with! I love that picture you posted! So excited for tonight!
Thanks for the advice! I am going to follow it...hopefully i will get a good turnout! Good luck to you as well!
Love those pics! So sweet and amazing that they are all smiling at the same time. I hope you are having a fabulous 4th! Can't wait to see the fireworks pictures!
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