Sunday, June 21, 2009

Photo Edit by Tonka Mom

I had a picture that I took recently of my best friends baby but I felt it was a little plain and needed some more editing. I had edit the picture for me. Please let me or her know what you think. I am so grateful for what she has done. She has taught me a new photo editing technique.

She also requested that if you have a photo you would like edited she would be happy to edit it as best she can during her free time. Drop by her site if you have time. She is such a great person to know and she has the two most adorable children.

Here is my edited version of the photo.

is her photo edit. It just brings so much to the photo by adding a girlie texture. What do you think?


Taylor said...

They are both great!

J said...

I love both of them too! But I would love to learn the texture trick! :)
I don't have photoshop, but I have gimp, do you know if that would do it too?

blogging buddies